When I read a book I do not have a designated bookmark. I sit down somewhere, I read a book, and if I have to get up to go anywhere, I grab what I can find. I've used my phone, receipts, a dvd, photos, tp, a sock, neosporin, a flower, a leaf, blades of grass, I've even used my own hair (doesn't work great). What's the oddest thing you have used as a bookmark? (come on, I know I'm not the only one who uses random objects)
image from here
I use the bookmarks Matthew made for me. If they're not handy, I'll use a receipt or one of Tim's business cards.
The hair kind of grosses me out.
i've used roses choclate wrappers, receipts, clothing tags, ribbon/sting, a hairclip (clipped to the page i was on, totally wreckes the pages though.
I got this Christmas present from a neighbor once I thought it was a bookmark, turns out it was a Christmas ornament. Ooops. No wonder it didn't work.
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